Our Bible-based core beliefs and values provide us with a Kingdom constitution for authentic Christian love, service, and leadership.

Jesus Christ
The Godhead is sovereign, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.
Jesus Christ is the Kings of Kings, and our only Lord and Savior.
The Inerrant, Authoritative Word of God must be read, studied, practiced and shared with love.
It is our Heavenly Father’s loving, Kingdom “guidebook” (or constitution) for His Kingdom family to thrive on earth.
Kingdom servant-leaders understand and practice “love”, as the greatest of all gifts.
Thrivers are generous, cheerful givers who model God’s ultimate love language: giving.
Thrivers are compassionate, courageous believers with an unwavering conviction and faith.
Kingdom faithfulness requires Kingdom obedience, which leads to authentic spiritual transformation, obedience, and excellence.
Kingdom community = common/unity; commune/unity; and it starts at home with our marriages and families.
Thrive Church is unified in mission/vision, purpose, and values. However, unity does not uniformity.
We value unity and oneness as a collective, congregational ethic for our Biblical, inclusive, multicultural ministry. ONE: Father of all, Lord, Faith, Baptism, Kingdom, Family, Body, Spirit, Hope, Church, Mission ---- among many cultures.
Thrivers model individual and collective order, focus, obedience, character/integrity, and unity.
Commitment to the Thrive Church mission, vision, guiding principles, and values is essential.
Life can be stressful and painful. We believe church should be exciting, invigorating, and fun!
Creative, innovative, relevant, dynamic, vibrant, impactful, refreshing, joyful worship experience.
Our Thrive Kingdom family is called to succeed, flourish, prosper, fulfill, and impact on purpose.
“Up, In, and Out” is how we roll. Thrivers worship (1st), build from the inside out (2nd), and thrive outwardly on purpose (3rd). Loving God totally enables us to love ourselves completely, so that we can ultimately love others compassionately.
Thrivers model Kingdom excellence spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, environmentally, occupationally, and financially ---- as mature, fruit-bearing disciples.